Intentional Love

Wednesday marked the beginning of the 40-day Christian observation known as Lent, which is a season of the year that believers use to pursue their relationship with the Lord by fasting, praying, and intentionally pursuing the Creator.

I was raised in the non-denominational contemporary church, so I have never truly been introduced to the practice of Lent. My parents have practiced it off and on, giving up meat or chocolate, but I have never genuinely participated until this year. I have generally shied away from practices of strict ritual, but I have come to realize just how valuable these practices can be. It is a beautiful thing when followers decide to deliberately pursue their Father in a very specific and intentional way, allowing the busyness and chaos of the world to fade from view and choosing to focusing solely on the King. Lent is a time for us to go beyond what is required and to love in a way that we haven't loved before.

Most people generally give up red meat for Lent, while others choose to sacrifice their time in front of the television or computer. I have decided to add, rather than subtract, something from my life for the season of Lent. While I generally read the Word everyday (or mostly everyday), I have been only reading a chapter or two a day. Earlier this year I had committed to reading the entire Bible in one year, but I have fallen behind and have not caught up. I will be reading at least one day's worth of the Bible each day, while also spending my free time in prayer or worship. I have to say that I feel that I already practice these fairly well, but there is always plenty of room to grow. Our relationship with Him is a journey; we never truly arrive -- there is always more for us to learn and more ways for us to show Him our love.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” Mark 12:30


  1. loving with mind and strength always gives me something to dwell on.


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