To Come

I know it has been quite a while since I have posted anything significant on this blog (not that a ton of people read it anyways), but I am looking forward to getting back on and sharing what has been occurring these past few weeks. The past month has had its share of ups and downs, but God has continued to stay faithful through it all. The future has been becoming even more exciting for me as I've been watching Him move in so many ways.

Unfortunately, this will probably be the only new blog entry I will write until after I graduate in a couple of weeks due to final projects, exams, work, and whatever else has been consuming my schedule. But just to give you a taste of what is to come, I figured I could create a "preview" of sorts summarizing all of the ideas bouncing around inside of my head that might eventually become blog entries.
"The Future of Yesterday"
We all carry the heavy burdens of past sins. We should face our past in a way that honors God and allows Him to continue healing our wounds, all while being continually reminded of our redemption.

We have all experienced (and generally on a regular basis) what it is like to be in a spiritual rut. We are loving God in ways that we can, but we long for the days in which we felt amazingly close to Him. What it takes to break the routine and fall back in love with the Creator.
"Less Is More Than Ever"
Jesus didn't call us to lead comfortable lives; He called us to leave everything. How materialism distracts us from what really matters.

"Reinventing Church"
Documenting my experience with my church. How we are reformulating what it means to gather as a body of believers and my vision for the future. (Think: Acts 2)

So as I'm sitting on campus and listening to the masterfully organized sounds and electronic ambiance of Kye Kye, I am greatly anticipating what the future holds for me. I am constantly reminded of His amazing and unconditional love for me -- the plan He has for me; the desire that He has for me to become a man after His heart. I reflect on the amazing and authentic acoustic worship experience at church this morning, the way He nudged my heart during a presentation from a classmate about how she started an orphanage for children in Uganda in His name, and the way He has blessed me with the circle of friends I currently have. He is so good, and I cannot wait to share with you more of how He has been moving.


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