The Radical Experiment

I recently finished the book "Radical" by David Platt, and want to challenge you to take up the challenge of The Radical Experiment. (Read the book first, obviously).

I have a hard time passing up a challenge, and even though I am somewhat nervous about what will be in store for me since I know that my life will change and will likely become significantly less comfortable, I am willing to change my life for the sake of the Kingdom. I know where He wants me, and I am willing to go. I am currently on Day 5 of the challenge, and am looking forward to what this year holds.

Over the course of the next year, I challenge you to:

Pray for the entire world.

Using a prayer guide, such as Operation World, pray for the entire world over the course of a year. 

Read through the entire word.

Using a chronological Bible Reading plan, read through the entire Bible. 

Commit your life to multiplying community.

Commit yourself wholeheartedly to the local church. But even deeper than that, commit yourself to a small group within your faith family that is intentionally sharing, showing, and teaching the Word while serving the world together. 

Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose.

For the next year, take a close look at all of your expenses as individuals and families through the lens of specific need in the world. Work to set a cap on your lifestyle so that you can free up as much of your resources as possible for the sake of the glory of Christ in His church, among the lost, and among the poor. 

Spend your time in another context.

As you give the majority of your time to making disciples in your community, commit, as individuals and families, to give 2% (one week) of your time in Gospel ministry outside of your community for the sake of God’s glory in all the world.

 If any of you decide to embark on this challenge with me, I would love to hear about it.


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